car driving through heavy snow

4 Winter Paving Projects That Don’t Involve Paving

winter planning for pavingThe sounds of the season are all around and while we’re reminded “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…,” for many paving projects it’s anything but.

Time of year matters and the months of December through February can be challenging for pavement maintenance.  Due to unfavorable weather and limited access to hot-mix asphalt, many projects are best left until early spring.  Yet winter is the perfect time to consider your pavement strategy for the year ahead and beyond.

Project #1) Schedule a pavement assessment

Your parking lot is one of the largest areas of your facility, but it is often overlooked. During the winter months, work with your paving partner on pavement assessments. Pavement assessments should be completed every 2-4 years, or potentially sooner depending on pavement quality. The process begins with a visual inspection to document the overall condition such as surface distress, ride quality, and aesthetics. The data collected will help identify repair and replacement needs, prioritize repairs on a site or set of sites, and create budgets for planning up to five years ahead.

Project #2) Plan your paving budget

At the end of the year, it can be easy to shift funds earmarked for pavement maintenance to other areas. But, what if a liability pops up last minute leaving you with insufficient funds for repair? Utilize these winter months to take the guesswork out of budgeting for 2018 to make every dollar count. Your paving partner can help draft a comprehensive budget, spanning 2 to 3 years out, to ensure routine projects are timed in order to get the best bang for your buck and that there are adequate funds for emergency repairs. An effective plan will also include the cost for materials and labor for each site.

Project #3) Strategize long-term

Facilities are aging, but budgets aren’t growing at the same rate. Therefore, strategizing and planning can provide insight by exposing long-term needs and associated expenses.  A thorough plan examines your maintenance objectives and future growth. On existing sites, for example, parking lot resurfacing and redesign will be considered. Parking lot construction for new locations will also need a place (and budget dollars) in the plan.  A paving partner will make sure dollars are used wisely in order to help you get ahead of the curve and minimize unbudgeted expenses down the road.

Project #4) Ensure ADA Compliance

With so much on your to-do list, staying current with the latest ADA compliance regulations can feel overwhelming. Oftentimes state and federal codes don’t always agree and it’s difficult to know what is needed to meet the minimum required standards to achieve compliance. Your trusted partner in paving can help make sense out of complex legal requirements of the ADA, perform an audit, and provide you with recommendations for any corrective action.

Though the “weather outside is frightful…,” you can still make the most of these winter months by getting a jump start on paving projects that don’t involve paving.  Assessments, budgeting, planning, and compliance are all areas that require proper time, but are equally important to ensure well-maintained, safe, and healthy pavement assets.